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This is my load order. Many are like it but this one is mine: Philosophy on Modding
“You have been pre-selected for entrance into the local Vault. Vault 111! – Vault-Tec Rep
0.0 Before We Mod
There are some simple steps to take, and basic knowledge to learn, prior to modding to avoid headaches.
0.1 PC Preparation
Function: Know what each file is and reveal hidden directories that we use when modding such as AppData.
– Open Windows Explorer ( open any folder ).
– At the very top select View. Activate the checkboxes for File name extensions and Hidden items.
Function: Be able to open, extract and pack mod archives.
– Open the 7zip download page. Download the 64-bit x64 option.
– Launch the 7z(Version).exe. Install then Close.
0.2 Need to Knows
Importance: AppData is a hidden Windows directory. Some mod managers install mods here by default. Games may place various files here. Log files from certain modding apps, that are used to help troubleshoot, may also be stored here. There are two ways to access AppData:
Method 1: Push the Windows Key + R. Type AppData. Click OK.
Method 2: After revealing Hidden Items in the previous step open the Operating System ( likely C: ) drive. Open Users/<User Account Name>/AppData.
Importance: Cracked games ( or Pirated games ) are stolen content. Some of these games have broken content or simple variables changed from the original. A few modding appshave been known to not work on cracked games. Two tips:
Tip 1: Content Creators and Mod Authors can be banned from various sites just by mentioning cracked games. Don’t be an asshole and try to coherence help out people when your stolen property doesn’t work. You won’t be appreciated.
Tip 2: I could personally care less about your personal choices. However, see Tip 1. Don’t be an asshole.
Importance: If you ask the developer of a modding app for help they are likely going to ask you for your Log files. These are the 3 general locations that they are found:
Location 1: In the apps installation folder next to the the executable ( .exe ).
Location 2: In the apps AppData folder.
Location 3: In Users/<User Account Name>/Documents/My Games/<Game Folder>… or in a folder within here.
Importance: Program Files is a set of directories where many programs (Steam, games and more…) are installed to by default. These directories ( folders ) are UAC ( User Account Control ) protected. Modders don’t install anything here (Steam, mods, games, so forth…) because UAC prevents various tools from working correctly. Pay attention when installing stuff. When provided with an option to choose a new location during installation Browse […] and do so. For reference here is the location:
– Local Disk (C:). That’s it. The two folders to avoid ( Program Files and Program Files (86x) ) are right there.
Importance: Due to the nature of some modding apps Windows may think they are viruses. If this happens Windows will block the app from working. Adding a trusted program to Windows Exclusion List stops your PC from blocking it. Here’s how to do it:
– Open the Start Menu/Settings/Update & Security/Windows Security/Virus & threat protection/Manage settings.
– Under Exclusions select Add or remove exclusions. + Add an exclusion.
– Select what you want to exclude ( likely a File ). Then navigate to where the file you want to exclude is ( likely a modding app’s .exe file ) and double-click it.
0.3 Tips
Once you start editing .ini Files you may notice that some of your work has reset itself to default values. Avoid this by:
– Not launching the game through it’s official launcher. Use the Script Extender ( we set this up later ) instead.
– Set .ini’s to Read Only after you edited them. ( Right-click the .ini. Open Properties. Activate Read-only. Apply. OK. ). Before making future .ini changes you will need to deactivate Read-only and then reenable it when you are done.
The Steam Overlay has caused Memory Leaks ( more and more RAM being used up for no reason ) in a few games ( Fallout 3 and New Vegas for certain ). With this knowledge I suggest just turning it off all together. Even though I use GOG for Skyrim I thought this would be something nice to share. To turn it off:
– Open Steam. Select Steam at the top left. Open Settings.
– Select In-Game. Deactivate Enable the Stream Overlay while in-game. OK.
Programs running in the background while you play your game are needlessly taking resources ( RAM , VRAM and Processing power) away from it. This means, slow-downs, lag, stuttering, so forth…
– Close unused programs.
– Close unused web pages.
0.4 Site Memberships
You need to have an account with, and be signed in to, various sites to download the mods in this guide.
All sites listed are FREE. I do not use mods held behind Paywalls.
Site Description: Created by mod author Arthmoor. Home to his mods as well as some other creators.
– Instructions to come….
Site Description: Created by DarkOne. The largest modding site on the internet.
– Instructions to come….
0.5 Final Note
What I provide is my step-by-step load order. You can ALWAYS choose lower res options for performance. Clean Up instructions are not neccesary to follow they simply free up Disk space and make MO2‘s Conflicts tab cleaner by deleting files that are overwritten by others. Happy modding.
“Up the stairs, please.”- Vault-Tec Security
1.0 Fresh Start
A clean game installation assures that past modding sessions don’t cause issues with a new Load Order.
My Way supports Fallout 4 on Steam
(Other versions may work albeit some variation. I’d like to use GOG one day, but at the time of writing this there’s too much going on due to the Next Gen update for me to manage. I am one person creating all of the videos, guides and comment responses. Bear with me = )
1.1 Clean Installation
– Open Windows Explorer
– Navigate to Steam/SteamApps/Common
– Delete the Fallout 4 folder.
– Navigate to Users/<User Account>/Documents/My Games
– Delete the Fallout 4 folder.
– Navigate to <OS Drive>:/Users/<User Account>/AppData/Local
– Delete the Fallout 4 folder.
– Install Fallout 4 from your Library. ( NOT to the Program Files directories )
– Click play from Steam. Let the additional components install. Agree to the pop-ups then close the Game Startup Menu.
1.2 Game Folder & Interface Cleanup
Note: The official Ultra High Resolution Texture Pack provides no visual difference while in some cases being 6 times the file size. You lose performance for no visual gain. Here I remove it from the game, without deleting it, while keeping things organized.
– Open the Fallout 4 game folder. Open Data.
– Right-click. Create New Folder. Title it Official High Res DLC.
– Drag and drop the 16 DLCUltraHighResolution.ba2 files and the single DLCUltraHighResolution.esm into the new folder.
– Right-click the folder. Send to Compressed (zipped) Folder.
– Once the archive is created delete the folder as it’s no longer neeed. Drag and drop the archive into MO2’s Downloads tab. Install the mod. Leave it unticked in the left pane.
Note: In the left pane of MO2 you will notice 7 DLC entries. Here I combine those entries into 1 to save space.
– Still in Data.
– Right-click. Create New Folder. Title it Official DLC.
– Drag and drop the 33 files that start with DLC into the new folder.
– Right-click the folder. Send to Compressed (zipped) Folder.
– Once the archive is created delete the folder as it’s no longer neeed. Drag and drop the archive into MO2’s Downloads tab. Install the mod. Activate it in the left pane.
Note: In the left pane of MO2 you will notice 9 Creation Club entries. Here I combine those entries into 1 to save space.
– Still in Data.
– Right-click. Create New Folder. Title it Official Next Gen Content.
– Drag and drop the 51 files that start with cc into the new folder.
– Right-click the folder. Send to Compressed (zipped) Folder.
– Once the archive is created delete the folder as it’s no longer neeed. Drag and drop the archive into MO2’s Downloads tab. Install the mod. Activate it in the left pane.
3.0 Foundation
The foundation consists of mods that other mods use as framework to build on.
Mod Description: Framework that allows mods to be created (and used) with additional functionality.
Fun Facts: F4SE plugins do not count towards your Plugin limit. Load Order doesn’t matter. F4SE plugins load alphabetically, regardless of where you place them.
– Manually download the main file.
– Open the archive that is downloaded. Open the f4se folder.
– Extract the contents to the Fallout 4 game folder.
– Open MO2. Select the dropdown menu next to RUN. F4SE will have been auto-detected and accessible from here. If you don’t see F4SE select the Refresh button then look again.
Address Library for F4SE Plugins
Mod Description: Allows F4SE plugins to be version independent. This prevents most game updates from breaking F4SE mods.
Requirements: F4SE
Fun Fact: The first game update to break Address Library was the 2024 Next Gen update. It has since been resolved (mostly).
– Download the main All in one (Anniversary Edition) file.
– Install to MO2 and activate.
Garden of Eden Papyrus Script Extender
Mod Description: A Papyrus extender that adds new functions.
Requirements: F4SE, Address Library for F4SE Plugins
– From the MAIN FILES download Garden of Eden Papyrus Script Extender – Next-Gen.
– Install to MO2 and activate.
Mod Description: A Papyrus extender that adds new functions.
Requirements: F4SE, Address Library for F4SE Plugins
– Download the main file.
– Install to MO2 and activate.
Mod Description: Framework that allows aurthors to create random encounters.
Note: By its method of implimentation this mod also moderatley lowers Nuka World and Automatron random encounters in the Commonwealth.
– Download the main file.
– Install to MO2 and activate.
Mod Description: A patcher that allows the modification of certain game data without the use of plugins.
Requirements: F4SE, Address Library for F4SE Plugins
– Download the main file.
– Install to MO2 and activate.
Mod Description: Allows F4SE plugins to load before the game initializes.
Note: No longer required by PrivateProfileRedirector. Once Buffout is updated, if IT no longer needs this, than this mod can be removed.
– Manually download the main file.
– Open the archive that is downloaded.
– Extract the contents to the Fallout 4 game folder.
4.0 Fixes & Restoration
4.1 Fixes & Stability
Armor Penetration Bug Fix – F4SE
Mod Description: Addresses a bug in the Armor Penetration System.
Requirements: Address Library for F4SE Plugins
– Download the main file.
– Install to MO2 and activate.
Baka MaxPapyrusOps (Do NOT use until a full release is up for NG +)
Mod Description: A collections of fixes, tweaks and performance improvements for Fallout 4’s engine.
Requirements: Address Library for F4SE Plugins
– Download the main file.
– Install to MO2 and activate.
Combat Shutdown Grenade Fixes – F4SE – Garden of Eden SE
Mod Description: Fixes a bug that causes companions to throw live grenades during combat exit. Fixes Protected NPC kill triggers, by player thrown grenades, that explode after combat has ended.
Requirements: Garden of Eden Papyrus Script Extender
– From the MAIN FILES download Combat Shutdown Grenade Fixes – ESP.
– Install to MO2 and activate.
Mod Description: A collection of community fixes with open permissions
Requirements: F4SE, Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch
– Download the main file.
– Install to MO2 and activate.
– Download the optional file.
– Install to MO2. Rename to Community Fixes Merged – Weapon Mod Fixes Patch. Activate the mod.
Companion Jump Fall Pose Fix – F4SE – Garden of Eden SE
Mod Description: Prevents companions (while they are actually your companion) from being stuck in T-pose.
Requirements: Garden of Eden Papyrus Script Extender
– From the MAIN FILES download Companion Jump Fall Pose Fix ESP.
– Install to MO2 and activate.
Mod Description: Fixes artefacts, pixelation and color banding in texture that are used for special light effects.
– Download the main file.
– Install to MO2 and activate.
Flutter Flicker Fixer For Foliage
Mod Description: Remedies the issue where wind movement data is not correctly used for some trees, plants and grass.
– Download the main file.
– Install to MO2. At the FOMOD Installer select Archived and PRP 74.6 or later.
– Install. Activate.
Mod Description: Unties game speed from the framerate. Fixes various physical bugs. Reduces load times.
Requirements: F4SE
Fun Fact: Provides benefits even at 60FPS and under.
– From the MAIN FILES download High FPS Physics Fix fo game version 1.10.984 (Next Gen 2 upate).
– Install to MO2 and activate.
Note: The settings that I tweaked are annotated with “ModdingMyWay“. Everything else is default.
– Click the above link. Download ZIP. Open the archive. Open the folder within.
– Right-click High FPS PHysica Fix in MO2. Open in Explorer. Open F4SE/Plugins.
– Drop the HighFPSPhysicsFix.ini into the plugins folder and overwrite.
Hostile NPC Respawn FIx – F4SE – Garden of Eden SE
Mod Description: Fixes some issues that prevent some hostle NPCs from respawning.
Requirements: Garden of Eden Papyrus Script Extender
– From the MAIN FILES download Hostile NPC Respawn Fix ESP.
– Install to MO2 and activate.
Mod Description: If an NPC consumes Jet the players gets thirstier. This fixes that.
– Download the main file.
– Install to MO2 and activate.
Mod Description: Fixes and tweaks some animations.
– Download the main file.
– Install to MO2 and activate.
Mod Description: Fixes incorrect or missing ownership data assigned to junk and containers in specific locations.
– Download the main file.
– Install to MO2 and activate.
Previsibines Repair Pack Stable Branch – PRP
Mod Description: Full rebuild of precombined meshes and occlusion (previs).
Requirements: Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch
Notes: Increases FPS and includes relevant bug fixes not already in UF4OP.
– From the MAIN FILES download PRP Plugins.
– Install to MO2. At the FOMOD Installer select EN – English, PPF, PRP, Heavy Incinerator.
– Install. Rename to Previsibines Repair Pack – Plugins. Activate the mod.
– From the MAIN FILES download PRP Resources.
– Install to MO2. Rename to Previsibines Repair Pack – Resources. Activate the mod.
PrivateProfileRedirecrtor F4 – Faster Game Start (ini File Cacher)
Mod Description: Speeds up game startup by storing ini files in memory.
Requirements: F4SE
– From the MAIN FILES download PrivateProfileRedirector F4 0.6.1 (RT 1.10.984).
– Install to MO2 and activate.
Simple Puddle Reflection Flicker Fix (Water and Blood)
Mod Description: Fixes water puddles and blood pool flickering when looking at them from certain angles.
– Download the main file.
– Install to MO2 and activate.
Mod Description: Fixes stutter when sprinting in first person.
– Download the main file.
– Install to MO2 and activate.
Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch – UFO4P
Mod Description: Attempts to fix all of Fallout 4’s bugs at the game level.
Requiremnts: All 15 DLC
Notes: A number of mods use this as a foundation/requirement.
– Download the main file.
– Install to MO2 and activate.
5.1 Heads Up Display
5.3 In-Game Menus
Mod Description: Shows the full player dialogue in the selection window.
Requiremnts: F4SE
Fun Fact: On day 1 of Fallout 4’s release I wanted this mod to exist. I bet I wasn’t the only one…
– From the MAIN FILES download Extended Dialogue Interface 1.4.0.
– Install to MO2 and activate.
The Graphical Foundation: mesh and texture mods, that contain a large number of files, that get heavily overwritten.
FO4FI HD Serioues (HD 2K Faces)
Mod Description: Vanilla texture processing. What the vanilla High Res DLC Faces should have looked like.
Notes: If LooksMenu is used come back and try the patch from this mod page.
– Download the main file.
– Install to MO2 and activate.
FO4FI HD Serioues (HD Creatures and Robots)
Mod Description: Vanilla texture processing. What the vanilla High Res DLC Creatures and Robots “should” have looked like.
– Download the main file.
– Install to MO2 and activate.
FO4FI HD Serioues (HD DLC Clothes and Armor)
Mod Description: Vanilla texture processing. What the vanilla High Res DLC DLC’s Clothes and Armor “should” have looked like.
– Download the main file.
– Install to MO2 and activate.
FO4FI HD Serioues (HD Power Armor)
Mod Description: Vanilla texture processing. What the vanilla High Res DLC Power Armor “should” have looked like.
– Download the main file.
– Install to MO2 and activate.
FO4FI HD Serioues (HD Vanilla Armor)
Mod Description: Vanilla texture processing. What the vanilla High Res DLC Armor “should” have looked like.
– Download the main file.
– Install to MO2 and activate.
FO4FI HD Serioues (HD Vanilla Clothes)
Mod Description: Vanilla texture processing. What the vanilla High Res DLC Clothing “should” have looked like.
– Download the main file.
– Install to MO2 and activate.
Mods to Check Doc
– Flicker Fixer
–Mod Configuration Menu
–Fallout 4 HD Overhaul
–High Resolution Texture Pack 2K
Hide: textures/SetDressing/WoodFederalistFurniture01 (all)
Hide: textures/SetDressing/Vault/Vault_Toilet_01 (all… identical to luxors)
Hide: textures/SetDressing/Vault/Vault_Locker_01 (all… identical to luxors)
Hide: textures/SetDressing/Vault/Vault_Desk_01 (all… identical to luxors)
Hide: textures/Signage/SignSanctuaryHill01 (all)
Hide: textures/SetDressing/PlayerHouse_Ruin/PlayerHouse_Ruin_KitchenBar (all + 1,2,3,4)
Hide: textures/SetDressing/Diner/DinerCounterBase01 (all)
Hide: textures/interiors/Building/BldWoodWallPanelsDark + Rotated01 (all)
Hide: textures/interior/Building/BldWoodWallPanels01 (all)
–FlaconOil’s Complete Retexture Project
Hide: textures/SetDressing/VaultBoyBobbleheads_Stand01 (all)
Hide: textures/SetDressing/StreetLamps/ResidentialStreetLamp01 (all)
Hide: textures/SetDressing/ShippingCrates/ShippingCrates01 (all)
Hide: textures/SetDressing/Rubble/rubtrashpiles 01 + 02 (all)
Hide: textures/SetDressing/PlayerHouse_Ruin/PlayerHouse_Ruin_StolleBar01 (all)
Hide: textures/SetDressing/PlayerHouse_Ruin/PlayerHouse_Ruin_KitchenChair + Couch (all)
Hide: textures/SetDressing/PArig?PArig01 + 02 (all)
Hide: textures/SetDressing/Office/OfficeCouh01 (all)
Hide: textures/Matress (all)
Hide: textures/SetDressing/HighTech (all)
Hide: textures/SetDressing/Building/SinkBroken01 (all)
Hide: textures/SetDressing/Barricades/BarricadeWall01 (all)
Hide: textures/SetDressing/BarrelFlammable/BarrelFlammableRedo (all)
Hide: textures/Landscape/Roads/ConcreteRetaiuningWall01 (all)
Hide: textures/MetalUtilityDoor01 +White + Red (all)
Hide: textures/interiors/Industrial/metaldoorIndustrial (all colors and numbers)
Hide: textures/interiors/Building/BldWoodFloor01 (all)
Hide: textures/Interiors/Subway/floor 01 + 02 (all)
Hide: textures/interiors/subway/subtile01green
Hide: textures/interiors/subway/subtracks01 + 2 (all)
Hide: textures/interiors/subway/SubTrim01 (all)
Hide: textures/interiors/subway/SubPipes (all)
Hide: textures/architecture/warehouse (all)
Hide: textures/architecture/DiamondCity/DiamoncBrickCinder01 (all)
Hide: textures/Architecture/Buildings (all)
Hide: textures/SetDressing/Workstations (all)
Hide: textures/SetDressing/WaterPumps (all)
Hide: textures/SetDressing/Generators (all)
SavrenX HD Vanilla Landscape
Hide: textures/landscape/rocks (all)
Hide: textures/landscape/roads/ (all)
hide: textures/Landscape/GSMuckPools (all)
Hide: textures/Landscape/Ground (all)
Hide: Textures/Landscape/Grass (all)
Hide: Textures/Landscape/GlowingSeaAsh (all)
Hide: Textures/Landsscape/DirtCliffs (all)
Hide: Textures/Landscape/Trees
NMC’s Texture Bundle
Hide: textures/landscape/Roads (all)
Pretty Cool Shack Textures
Main + esl
–Assaultron HD
–SavrenX Organic Super Mutant
–A Clipboard Retexture
–Burnt Comics are actually BURNT
4k Color
–Burnt Magazines are actually BURNT
4k Color
–CC’s Improved Vanilla Holotapes
–Milk Bottle Redone
–New Bottle Caps Tin
Version 2
–Office Paper Debris Retexture
–Proper Flyers and Posters
Main file. Lore friendly option 2 4k
–Retextured Terminals – by Ben Ephla
main + optional
–Smores’ Bobby Pin Box
–Sweet Roll 5000 – Xtreme Sweetroll Mesh and Texture Replacer
Backpacks of the Commonwealth
CC’s UHD Pipboy
–SavrenX Power Armor HD DLC
–SavrenX Super Mutant HD Armor
–10mm HD
–Visible Galaxy 4k and Framework (dim) stars.nif galaxy tri = .99 scale(gp) +unskin (maddcat)
– Longer Power Lines
– Place Everywhere
(check optional hotkey config files if needed)
– Sofa Surfer – Sleeping on Couches
(ESL plus DLC)
– This is MY Bed
FOMOD: Extended
– Duffle Bag Sound Fix
MODDING MY WAY MODS (currently just ideas)
-Meshes to potentially change: Walls (ocean side) make textures wrap smaller 50% ish
-Sit at campfire stumps?
-Fallout 4 HD Overhaul textures/setdressing/office/folderspapers01 (all) make unique varients
-Proper Flyers and Posters. Need to distribute addition options elsewhere
–Better Bed Mattress Textures… maybe 1 or 2 throughout the world.
–New Bottle Caps Tin distribute the clean version to a few places
-Fallout 4 HD Overhaul – potential to use architecture/shacks sackcloth in a few locations
(HD DLC Creature Texture Rework all files are covered by Fallout 4 HD Overhaul and Luxor has slightly better resolution)
(Luxor8071’s HD Textures Pack AIO Part 1,2,3,4,5 replaced by Fallout 4 HD Overhaul)
(Vivid Fallout – All In One completely replaced by other mods )